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8 summer campaigns that we will always remember


Summer is here. Although summer marketing campaigns have been welcoming it for a few days now. Soft drink brands, ice cream brands, the new season for clothing stores… Everyone takes advantage of the arrival of the new season to show off their best clothes. Always with ideas that seek to impact the minds of users .

But, of all the summer campaigns you have seen over time, which ones would you say have left the biggest mark on you?

There are animated, catchy, simple, complex, long, short, sad, happy, funny ads… But they all have something in common. They all have managed to stick in your mind. Regardless of whether they are good, bad or based on a revealing insight or not.

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A with a great impact. And there are messages that manage to go viral . Either because of the reflection they invite or because they are out of the ordinary. All brands want to create viral ads that give them visibility. But very few manage to gambling data malaysia stay in the top of mind of consumers for a long time.

So, with the arrival of summer, it’s interesting to remember those summer campaigns that have broken records. The marketing campaigns that not only managed to stick in your mind at the time, but that still make you hum the main theme or repeat the slogan like a parrot today.

8 summer campaigns that have left their mark on us
1.- ONCE, “You give me cream, I give you cream…”
2.- Falcon Travels, where is Curro?
3.- Where is my umbrella?

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4.- Kalise for everyone

5.- Estrella Damm
6.- El Corte Inglés, #YouOrder
7.- Saint Michael
8.- Fanta, “I can do it overcoming stigma with transparent marketing of drug addiction treatment with very little”
8 summer campaigns that have left their mark on us
1.- ONCE, “ You give me cream, I give you cream…”

Cast your mind back to 2003. What did you do that summer? If aleart news there’s one thing that reminds you of vacations, it’s usually the summer song. And this was definitely one of them. In fact, chances are you’ve hummed it as soon as you read the headline.

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