To the knowledge intention but also a traffic driver for the ecommerce part I dont . Focus on links and generating empty traffic today a holistic strategy is important semantic seo . Concrete answers to specific questions easier navigation heat map and click map analysis viewing session . Recordings this is my way this is my approach this is how I drive engagement . And sales through a followup content database and ecommerce catalog this is also my idea . For creating a new section before every start of a task a question is asked .
What Will It Bring to Us What
What will it bring to us what will it bring to the patient taking apteline . As an example revenue from the content segment increased by yearonyear breaking new records every . Year we also did this thanks to this and thanks to it we were awarded . The first place in the top best seo articles for polish ecommerce in the senuto . Report and we are currently in the finals of the european search awards together with . Harbingers for the best seo campaigns and healthy content so it works for me which .
Metrics Do You Think Are Most Important
Metrics do you think are most important when evaluating the effectiveness of marketing and ecommerce . Campaigns profit conversion rate and a simple calculation how much I invest in seo how . Much comes from this revenue chan rich people number data nel investment how much do I invest how much do . I invest in marketing and how much do I get out of it there is . No philosophy here only mathematics simple calculations and logic I love it I have clients . Where everything is green the seo guru brags about growth but no sales or there .
Are Sales and the Clients Time is
Are sales and the clients time is worth less than the money invested the model . Doesnt work I am often a consultant I am often a consultant on a project . And after a preliminary analysis I say seo will not pay off here I know . This fr boosting revenue by increasing your average order value (aov) om practice I see it in tools that you will find on audits or . Services waste of money potential customers like this but I lost a potential client just . Like that but supposedly this guy in the hat on linkedin wasnt cheating he was .
Just Telling It Like It Was There
Just telling it like it was there is no good mark canada data eting without good marketing without . Cro analytics analysis business awareness and campaign accounting there is no marketing at all if . Not there is marketing and there is no marketing on many projects ive reviewed marketers . Were working flat out content and seo experts were leaving the business and ux designers . Were replacing cro experts the process of pushing and pushing the process of pushing then . Begins the process of pushing these materials out through all possible channels forced while frustrating .