And learning improvement of bside product managers the first challenge facing bside product managers is . How to correctly analyze and diagnose business problems this is also the most difficult part . Product design knowledge is basically of no help in this part of the work if . You want to do a good job in business analysis and diagnosis you must have . A solidview details the first pitfall how to achieve test set coverage whether it is . Rag project or other llm project development the most ideal test set is real data .
From Users but in Practice We Found
From users but in practice we found that many companies do not have this condition . And the development team or the client sweden email list needs to produce the test set by themselves . No matter who prepares it the coverage principle is a key point it means that . A wide range of subdivided topics should be included in the test set to ensure . That the model can respond to queries in different fields which will help to evaluate . The overall performance of rag more effectively taking knowledge questions and answers as an example .
It is Usually Required That the Test
It is usually required that the test set cover representative questions in all subfields of . This knowledge field as much as possible how are we going to raise capital to finance the stock of our new products? among them there are two points worth noting . Be aware of the gap between knowledge and user questions when we have no experience . At the beginning we often directly subdivide according to the subcategories of the professional knowledge . Field represented by the knowledge base taking the ability knowledge of product managers as an . Example we have conducted test sets based on business insight communication and leadership skills demand .
Analysis Skills Etc but After Going Online
Analysis skills etc but after going online we found that the real challenges of users . Are unlikely to be classified and organized like the knowledge bzb directory base some answers may even . Need to span two or more subfields to answer then we realized that knowledge in . Many fields is a structured product after being refined and sorted out by experience it . Can efficiently cluster and manage knowledge but it is no longer the original state that . Users challenge therefore the first point to pay attention to in terms of coverage please .