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Did you do any analysis

Yana Kortukova, co-founder of Pictures How do you manage to maintain accuracy if you rraw? Darya: Not on the verge of fantasy, of course. If there are any doubts about the embroidery, we always agree with the customer: for example, if the eyelashes on the eyelids fall into the structure of the fabric.

The drawing “from the sheet” is convert into

A vector, then the vector file is prepar for embroidery by colors, number of stitches and is convert into a technical file directly for the embroidery machine. When did the merch direction appear? Darya: We start making merch only about two years ago, when we had men’s and women’s clothing lines.

At first, it was logo embroidery instead of

A drawing, and then silkscreen printing, direct printing, and so on. Free course How to make merch In this course, we talk about how brands come up with and create merch. You will learn how to come up with a cool idea and bring it to life, make 99 acres database merch in collaboration with another brand and increase customer and employee loyalty with its help.


99 acres database


Research, or calculations before the launch?

Kristina Our trio are event organizers, forum and festival participants, and former government workers. That’s where the circle of acquaintances individual types of tone of communication came from – some acquaintances contact us, then others, and so on. In fact, we didn’t advertise anywhere that we had open a merch line. Word of mouth just work really well.

How else did you promote yourself at the start?

Kristina: On Instagram* through target advertising, and now with the help of high-quality and interesting content and bloggers. We use VK to promote the merch direction. How do you find bloggers and work with them? By barter? Darya: We often buy advertising. Most often it is a blogger or influencer who has a child, since the advertising usa data usually has a child’s drawing. Sometimes young girls who run creative projects about art – and this is not only Tyumen; we have work with different bloggers.

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