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Do you optimize SEO and ASO the same way? Big mistake


If you do SEO on the web, you should work on ASO optimization for mobile apps. You might think that SEO is worked on for everything related to digital content. But that is not the case. ASO optimization is equivalent to app SEO. In fact, optimizing ASO is vital today.

With millions of mobile apps in the major app stores, standing out or gaining some Do you optimize visibility is one of the problems you may face. If you have created a mobile app, you will know that, in Spain alone, you are targeting an audience of more than 27.7 million active app users.

Furthermore, according to data from TheAppDate , 4 million mobile apps are downloaded every day . Have you ever stopped to think about the opportunity that app download platforms offer you to reach new audiences?

Most likey yes, but do you think

A your app qualifies for being among those 4 million? If you’re being objective, would you really say that your app stands out among the huge competition out there? Are you doing anything to make it so? What’s more, do you know what your competitors are doing to achieve success?

You need to work on ASO (App Store Optimization) in all App Stores. This is worthwhile, since in the mobile era, customer acquisition is much more effective if you work from apps. Keep in mind that since 2015, the number of mobile phones has surpassed the number of people in the world. And 100% of Spaniards who connect to the Internet do so from their smartphone.

In fact, the same study by TheAppDate reveals that 89% overseas chinese database of the time a user spends with their mobile phone is to use applications.

Reasons to work on ASO optimization
1.- Spain is the 5th country in the world that makes the most purchases via mobile
2.- The use of apps promotes ASO optimization
What is ASO optimization and how to do it?
ASO on metadata
1.- App name
2.- Keywords

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3.- The description of the app

4.- The icon
5.- Developer name
6.- Category
7.- Screenshots
ASO off metadata
1.- Facilities
2.- Ratings
3.- Comments
4.- Uninstallations
5.- Linkbuilding
Reasons to best tools for freelance and gig workers work on ASO optimization
ASO Optimization

According to data from a Forrester study on digital technology aleart news consumption, 63% of apps are discovered through searches made by users in app stores . In other words, the main App Stores are the first source of information.

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