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Don’t abandon your blog on vacation


What are you going to do with your blog during the holidays? Do you plan to keep up the frequency of your posts? Or perhaps you have decided to take a complete break? Have you thought about how to organize yourself to continue sharing content without having to keep an eye on the blog all day?

One of the challenges for any blogger is to keep the blog alive no matter what the circumstances are or what stage of the year it may be.

When you are your business, and part of your income comes from your blog , you have to know exactly how to organize your vacations. Or what to do when you are sick or something unexpected happens at the last minute. Are you going to stop it completely?

Even if you know that the best thing to do is not to give up, when you are on vacation it is normal to reduce the volume of content. Basically because it is usually very difficult to keep good ideas afloat. In fact, it is very likely that if you follow a content plan and constantly generate new ideas you will feel saturated and consider taking a break.

But is the fast track the best option?

Maybe your audience is not as concerned about work issues. Or about making purchases unless it is a necessity. So summer vacations may not be the best time to sell with your content strategy or to address the most important issues.

However, this doesn’t mean you have to give up on it.

How to keep your blog alive during the holidays?
1.- Take a look at your digital marketing calendar
2.- Take advantage to enrich spam database Don’t abandon your content
3.- Let others generate content for you
Benefits of guest posting
4.- Dare to try new things
5.- New life to your content
6.- Republish previous content
7.- Take the opportunity to analyze your plugins
8.- Automate your digital communication

spam database

How to keep your blog alive during the holidays?

Do you want to continue publishing on your blog during the holidays? Here are 8 tips that will help you achieve this:

1.- Take a look at your digital get personal: how intelligent customer segments increase roi marketing calendar
blog on vacation

The first thing you should do before you go on vacation is to check your digital marketing calendar. And you should do this with a considerable margin of time.

What days have you planned to leave? Are there any special dates in aleart news that period of time that you absolutely need to cover? It is best to have all your cards on the table from the start. That is, to be clear about what is going to happen during the period in which you are going to be absent so that you can have content prepared.

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