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Fantastic queries and where they live

Quite a lot has been written about the need to do internal store search. Mostly they talk about various usability improvements, like “make the search field noticeable” or “get rid of zero results”. We even once wrote a comprehensive collection of requirements for modern e-commerce search — we listed what it should be able to do and what it should look like. The text is completely relev phone number library ant even a year later: a huge layer of online stores still simply ignore the search. Although, it would seem, there is hot traffic, interested visitors.

In general, everything is simple here

phone number library


if the search engine collects statistics on search queries, this data can rketer what to do. Using the example of REES46 search, I will show what exactly can be learned from the search and how to respond to iWhat you should pay attention to: popular queries, queries without results, queries with maximum revenue and popular queries without revenue.

Popular queries (and popular ones without revenue)
The first thing to track is popular queries. In fact, this is a way to measure the demand of your visitors using the search tool.

What period do they


refer to: a week, a month, six months? This way you can track the stability of demand for a particular product. If a query stays at the top for a long time, it makes sense to add it to the purchasing plan. I won’t judge what period will be sufficient, industry specifics rule here. For example, in bookstores, the popularity of a query is veryasily checked by the general hype around the book in the media. And the hype itself lasts for a couple of months at most, after which it declines – so it makes sense to respond to trends quite quickly.

The first line in popular queries is a query for books by the writer Alisa Ganieva. There is a surge in demand for her books now, this is a signal to purchase the product.

What conversion do these queries give: zero or non-zero. If the conversion rate is above zero, it means that the goo consumer data ds are bought directly through the search. This means that visitors coming to the site with a nee ch a product are the h sure you also take the ottest of the entire top. It is worth bringing products with high-conversion queries to the main page – to further increase sales.

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