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How to promote data-driven collaboration

As businesses expand rapidly, data silos often emerge, where one department does not share its data with any other department. While this may be notic and quickly resolv in a small business, it is much more difficult to mitigate in a large company with many sites and a global network.

73% of company data is never min through data analytics, and much of that unus data can be trac back to the fact that people don’t realize it exists. Whether they don’t have access to the file or don’t know where to look, data silos undermine data-driven marketing, impact effective decision making, and hinder the optimization of business processes.

What is a data island?

When it comes to company data, a silo is when one department belgium phone number library intentionally or accidentally hoards its data, meaning other teams don’t have access to it. If this happens accidentally in one or two departments, it’s not a big problem. But when every team in your company suffers from data silos, you can see some serious consequences.

If one department publishes data but it’s not visible to anyone but their own team members, you’ve effectively creat a data silo where data piles up but is never distribut across all of your teams.

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Why is data transparency important?

In contrast to data silos, internal data sharing allows user australia information to flow freely between departments within a company. This means that instead of chasing data, anyone who ne s a specific statistic or  data set to do their job more efficiently can access it.

By building an enterprise that fights data silos and works toward a data-focus company culture, you’ll be able to take advantage of these benefits and more, including:

Data-driven decision making

From product design to marketing, data can be us to make fans data more effective decisions at work. With full data transparency, everyone can access the latest data, helping them make the right decisions bas on all the facts. For companies suffering from data silos, it is more common to make bad decisions due to a lack of the right data for them to leverage. These poor decisions can significantly r uce a company’s profits.

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