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How Travel Booking Platforms Use It to Engage Their Community?

See you coming, already mid-June and we still haven’t chosen a destination to leave this summer with Jules. Luckily, for the last minutes, Airbnb and other Booking.com are here to make your job easier.

Raise your hand if you have never used an online booking platform to Booker your holiday. We have all done it at least once. To benefit from attractive rates, saving time… There are many reasons that may have thrown us into the arms of these online booking scams.

For several years, platforms of this type have multiplied.

At smsmode, many of our customers are startups . That’s why we decided to take a closer look at this phenomenon.

SMSHow startups use /Push notification?

This month we look at the case of online booking platforms, specifically Airbnb, a popular home-based booking platform.

Need arises from service

You’ve crossed the steps, this typical sms services apartment in the heart of Trastevere is booked. To find the host who will allow you to live your Roman adventure, you’ve crossed Airbnb.

sms services

Once you enter your phone number, the platform will follow you closely at every stage of your journey. SMS The platform will engage you via push notifications, emails and sometimes even phone calls. The goal? Engage your community!


SMS Why choose?

SMS The professional is the essential tool for companies. Users must be guided during important tips to make money from telegram their experience. SMS In this sense, communication, even if very short, is a very effective tool.

SMSIn the interest of responsiveness, these startups have made the wise choice of . Why deprive yourself of this means of communication when you know that, according to :

  • SMS 95% of messages sent via email are read within 3 minutes, largely due to the universal nature of this medium!

No other means of communication bzb directory today guarantees such rapid access to the recipient! It can also be intelligently combined with another channel, that of emailing.

How Travel Booking  it is important to  understand that when it comes to , it is all about trust. When a consumer enters their phone number and agrees to its use, they are placing their trust in you and your service.

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