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My blog reflects my opinions not those

Why so secretive? To continue with the topic at hand, a dam is a barrier that, when broken, screws things up. If the reciprocity agreement is completed, everyone who hides behind the DoD cloud security restrictions will lose something.

This is not proper capitalism

It will threaten those who see security knowledge as job security and contract lock-in (death grip). You say FedRAMP creates a barrier to entry for CSPs? Yes, but there is a good reason for it. The ATO process is supposed to be difficult, but it proves that the CSP is following the gold standard of cloud security practices.

Cloud services that meet has not been completed

The mysteries of the Defense amazon database Information System Network (DISN) Border Cloud Access Point (BCAP) and how you connect to it are not rocket science, but they are closely guarded secrets by a few who do not want competition.

special data

Will soon be connecting its IaaS wagons to

IaaS in the appropriate ILs exists, but what the team when someone tells the truth about solutions that DoD can use on top of the hypervisor (on top of IaaS)? These solutions need to collectively find their way to DoD’s promised land. All cloud solutions that leverage IaaS providers that have or will have IL 4/5 will need access to NIPRnet. What can be done? First, support the FedRAMP PMO’s efforts to allow DoD reciprocity on IL 4/5. Get the trains on the same track, if you will. Second, PaaS and SaaS pro tg data viders that are at FedRAMP Moderate need to work their way up to the FedRAMP High baseline.

This is in preparation for gaining

The right to operate at IL 4/5. Third, alternatively, purchase a piece of IaaS IL 4/5 “land” from an approved provider and build your PaaS/SaaS on it to inherit the IaaS IL 4/5 controls and BCAP access, then follow the FedRAMP High/SRG guidelines to achieve the required impact certification level. Then, for the entrenched DoD system integrators who prefer the status quo, “game on”. Game Changer! Legal Notice – My blog reflects my opinions, not those of my employer, my former employer, or any party.

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