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Prepare your communication strategy for the return to school


In the middle of August, all you hear about is holidays, the beach, sun, heat… But don’t relax. You need to review your digital marketing calendar and take into account what’s coming. Most brands are already preparing their communication strategy for the return to school.

There is still August ahead of us, but it will be gone in the blink of an eye. And September is just around the corner with one of the most important dates of the year: The return from vacation and the beginning of the school year mark the before and after of each year.

In fact, if you thought July and August were quiet, you should start recharging your batteries for the September earthquake. Back to school is for everyone and your strategies must be ready.

However, there is one important

A factor that you should not overlook: the holidays reduce the purchasing chinese overseas africa database power Prepare your of families . That is why these are the dates on which multinationals launch campaigns using traditional media based on discounts and special offers.

Approaches to your back-to-school communication strategy
1.- Review your competition after the holidays
2.- Get the most out of autumn
3.- Do you have new clients?
4.- Even if you have new clients, your priority is recurring clients
5.- Brainstorming

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Back to school communication strategy of leading brands

1.- IKEA
2.- Kleenex
3.- Johnnie Boden
Approaches to your back-to-school transforming telemarketing into communication strategy
back to school communication strategy

Back to school is well known by all sectors. And each of them tries to take advantage of it by adapting their campaigns for these dates with very clear insights. For example:

Banks are studying what the return to school means for people’s alb directory pockets. And, based on the results they obtain, they launch campaigns to advise their target audience about special financing options.