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Reasons to create your Facebook Tab

Social media users are not very keen on interrupting their browsing through the platform. Taking them to a site outside of Facebook will result in a significant and sad bounce rate. At this point, the Landing Page is an excellent option to guide your prospects towards your Marketing action , without forcing them to leave the site.

Putting everything mentioned above into practice will bring you tremendous benefits : you will reinforce your brand image , increase your number of fans and capture leads that can become happy buyers of your products. Do you  whatsapp data want to know about other benefits? Keep reading!

Introduce yourself in an original way

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Every Facebook user can visit dozens of Fan Pages in a day. They are probably all very similar. Put yourself in their shoes: you enter the page and you find countless comments, posts and images. In short, too much information and too little organization . You feel disoriented, you don’t know where to go and you don’t fully understand the idea of ​​the business. And if that happens, you just leave.

Think about this: you enter a Fan Page that invites you to be part of its community. A perfectly customized page , with a design based on its own Branding , that communicates its values ​​and differentiates it from the rest in an original way. What would you think? Without a doubt, you would get a very good first impression

Monetize your Fan Page

It is often not easy to measure the results of your actions on Social Media. If you have a Landing Page, this becomes simpler and faster, since it will allow you to quantify your conversions and even measure them in percentage terms. In this way, it will be much easier for you to determine the ROI of your Campaigns based on the investment you have made.

What does this mean? That by adding a Facebook Tab , your Fan Page will become a powerful sales tool and not just a channel for interaction and communication with your community. It’s time to turn fans into customers!

Increase your brand engagement
Imagine that you enter a Fan Page that welcomes you and offers you a great benefit . What would you think about that? You will probably decide to join that community and why not, take advantage of the opportunity.

Contests and games on social networks are a great way to generate interactions with your users. H aving a La usa data nding Page that promotes them will boost the results of these actions.

Promote your products
Take advantage of your Facebook community and show them your products  my 7 sacred rules for our agile business development in svrum format or services . Present them in an attractive way by listing their main benefits and include a CTA in a strategic place . A good image will help you attract the attention you so desire.

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