– Where is Detective Miles? Why is he still not on duty???
– Sir, we can’t get through to him. He just won’t pick up.
– What??? I need him! Find his coordinates! Urgently!
— Already Smart Car installed. It’s in the parking lot of Molly’s Cafe on the way to work. It’s 20 km from here. Outside the city.
– Send a duty car there immediately
And two smarter guys. Maybe something happened there, and he needs help.
An hour passed.
– Commissioner! Detective Miles reporting for duty. I’m having some strange troubles, and I’m afraid I’m not the only one.
– What happened? Tell me.
– I left home in Smart Car the morning. I always have breakfast at Molly’s. She has amazing donuts and great coffee in the morning. And there are few people at this time. I sat by the window and had breakfast.
— To hell with the details. What next?
– And then I went to my car. However, it didn’t open. Moreover, boss, I’m an idiot. I forgot my phone in the car. As a result, I couldn’t call you or open the car.
— Does Molly have a phone?
– She doesn’t use a mobile chile whatsapp data phone, and her landline doesn’t work. They promised to fix it this evening. So I sat there like a fool.
– What about your car?
— We brought Smart Car it here, and I asked our techies to tinker with it. They can’t open it yet. As far as I understand, there was a failure of some computer application, to which access was simply blocked. They have been promising to fix the error for three hours now. I tried to log out of the application and log in again. But it didn’t lead to anything, as did contacting the support service. As far as I understand, I’m not the only one so smart, since the other side just responds automatically, saying, wait, we will fix usb directory the error soon.
– Wait, you mean to say that
Right now in the city a william newsom lot of people can’t get to work because of this?
— Yes. The online app Smart Car helps you unlock your car, but you can also use a key card, a spare key fob, or the app without the need for an internet connection. But if you don’t have a key card and you’ve logged out of the app, you have no choice but to wait for the service to resume.