– Good morning, Johann! Are you home yet? Take your time. There’s a black BMD with tinted windows parked outside your house. It’ll bring you to us. I told your secretary you’d be a little late.
– Got it, Mr. Director!
– Yes, Klaus, Klaus…
– You are Phone Book a guest, Klaus, but on duty you are the Director of the Department of Homeland Defense.
– Oh, come on, Johann. Although I won’t hide the fact that the conversation will, alas, not be easy. We need your help.
— I’m already leaving
After 45 minutes, the car took him to the bunker, which was used in extreme cases and for especially important meetings. On the way, they passed through three checkpoints, where the driver’s documents Phone Book were carefully checked. Strangely enough, no one paid attention to Johann. Moreover, the car’s interior was hidden from the driver and the guards.
– Good Phone Book canada whatsapp data morning, Klaus!
– Good morning, Johann! As you can see, today we will be talking only together.
— Is our conversation that closed?
— I’ll tell you more: I’m now officially at a resort 1000 km from the capital and after our conversation I’m flying there again. We weren’t here.
– Wow!
– We have a problem, Johann!
You know, in Phone Book our country you can buy SIM cards with or without a passport.
– Yes, I know. A contract is based usb directory on a passport, and there are SIM cards that last as long as there is money on them.
— The problem with terrorism is becoming more and more urgent. We need to somehow identify the owners of the phones. But how???
– And you suggest that we take part in this?
– Yes!
– But keep in mind that our methods of work may not be entirely legal. Does the Emperor give the go-ahead?
– This Phone Book eric wirkus operation is entirely under my department. You were not there and are not there.
– Good. Then I think in six months to a year we will show the first results.
– I am waiting.