And here is his beloved house. His house, like most houses in their neighborhood, was what is called “smart.”

– Good evening, John! Have you had a hard day today?

– Yes, it’s heavy How do you know, Alexa

John got so used safety-tales to the voice assistant that he talked to it as if it were alive.

— Your blood tests, John. Everything is visible there. You know that your wristwatch immediately transmits this information to the doctor and a copy to me. Your blood pressure is slightly elevated and your pulse is rapid. You didn’t walk in the park today, but went straight home? That’s not right. The doctor recommended that you walk at least 4 km a day, but today you only walked one and a half, and that was in the corridors at work, and two laps around the building. That’s not enough.

– Enough! I want a beer and a chicken sandwich.

– Unfortunately, you can’t do that. First, you need to walk the remaining 2.5 km on the treadmill, and only then take a shower and have dinner.

– Are you kidding me?

– Not at all. I am safety-tales following the doctor’s orders. I cannot mock you. It’s just that, following the first law of robotics, I cannot allow you to be harmed. Therefore, forward to the simulator. I will turn on the TV for you.

– Yes! There’s basketball there now.

– No, sir! Only the Relax channel.

– What is this? Nature and birds?

– Yes, sir! And the sound of the waves and the rain. Very relaxing. You are very tense.

– But my basketball?

– I’ll record the entire safety-tales match for you. You don’t have to click the remote, everything else is blocked until you’ve covered the required distance.

– Damn it!

– I agree, sir! But safety-tales your health is above all else.

An hour passed.

Poor John crawled out of the shower.

– Alexa, where is my dinner? I want a sandwich and beer!

– No, sir! As the doctor said, you can have a salad of lettuce and cucumbers with olive oil and a cup of low-fat kefir for dinner today.

– But I want to eat!

– Okay, let’s add some more crackers. Your sugar level is worrying him.