Alas, this was not destin to come true. In the morning, he was awaken by an urgent call from the duty officer at the department.

– Excuse me, boss! You are urgently request to come to the office. The car has come for you. All the details are in place.

– Oh my God! What happen?

– I don’t know myself. They order to call you, Karl and Rita.

– Who order it?

– The police commissioner. He’s already here with the head of security. They’re waiting for you.

— I’m getting dress. I’ll be there in 10 minutes.

— The car is already Safety Tales at your house.

Ten minutes later, Johann enter the department building. At the entrance, he was met by the duty officer with a guilty face.

– Good morning, boss! Sorry for keeping you awake! But they’re already waiting for you. The guys will be here in 5 minutes.

– Fine!

Ad here is the meeting room

– Good morning, Johann! Sorry for waking you up so early.

– How kind! I just Safety Tales decid to sleep on my day off, and then you came. What happen?

— In the forest 30 km from colombia whatsapp data the capital, we found an abandon C420 minibus. Apparently, explosives were being transport in the back. Unfortunately, the cabin was thoroughly wash. There are no numbers on it. The engine and body numbers were fil off. A service dog confirms that explosives or weapons were being transport in the back. There are many tracks around, but the dog did not pick them up. It is impossible to determine the size of the track. The criminals were wearing shoe covers, which made it impossible to determine the soles.

– Fun. What does this have to do with us?

— According to Safety Tales usb directory the manufacturer of these buses, they are all equipp with built-in computers, which are not only us as navigators, but can also record routes, stops, the exact time of engine on/off, fuel consumption, etc.

– I see You want to get this data

– Well, not only Safety Tales these. You will be provid with exactly the same bus. This way you will be able to estimate the bill howell approximate fuel consumption of an empty and load vehicle. We are interest in the amount of cargo, loading and unloading places, if possible – the number of passengers in the cabin, because they all must travel only with seat belts, and this is record by the computer, and in general, everything that you can find out.