Potapych turned on the TV on the veranda, sat down in his favorite rocking chair, pulled his usual tea with honey closer and got ready to watch.
However, alas, not everything happens
as you want. Suddenly, instead of your favorite movie, some kind of commercial starts on TV.
“They’ve got me!” thought Potapych. He decided that it would only last for about ten minutes. But the commercials didn’t seem to be ending. Then suddenly a picture appeared in which he was asked to enter his password for access to commercial television again.
“Oh no, they’ve gone too far!” Potapych decided and reached for his laptop. Imagine his surprise when instead of an advert he saw his favourite film on the same channel. And from the plot it was clear that it had been on the Attack on TV whole time and hadn’t been interrupted by adverts. Then Potapych decided to call his friend, Mikhail Ivanovich, who lived on the other side of town.
– Ivanovich! I have some cyprus whatsapp data nonsense here. Are you watching a movie on the 5th ?
– Well, yes.
– Ad instead of a movie
I have some nonsense. They Attack on TV are pushing advertising, and now they are even asking for a password.
— Only on TV?
– Yeah.
— I’m leaving. I’m Attack on TV taking our “rapid response team” with me.
That’s how Mikhail Ivanovich called his information security department out of habit. He was currently working on television, but he couldn’t get used to the fact that he was no longer a colonel, but just a department head.
In 15 minutes Attack on TV the usb directory entire “brigade” of four people was at Potapych’s. The TV was still showing commercials, periodically replaced by a picture that to continue watching you need to enter the password for the commercial channel.
– Mikhail Attack on TV walid romaya stigter uitvoerende hoof Ivanovich! But I only read about this!
– What are you talking about, Sasha?
— This is hacking! We use the HbbTV protocol for broadcasting. By hacking it, attackers can force TVs to show any video, display phishing messages asking for user passwords, implement keyloggers and run cryptomining software.