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Subtleties of calculating the cross-section

Not all cables have single-wire cores, and in such cases the question arises: how to determine the cross-section of a multi-core cable with multi-wire cores?

Knowing how to measure the cross-section of a multi-core cable will allow you to be confident in the safety and reliability of using the product. Here, too, everything is extremely clear. The cross-sectional area of ​​a multi-core cable with multi-wire cores must be measur bas on the area of ​​one wire from the cores. Proce in the following order:

Now the obtain value must be multipli by

However, when calculating the cross-section of multi-wire cores, it is also necessary to take into account the wire twist coefficient, which will be equal to 1.053 for cables with Subtleties of india car owner data the cross-section  -wire cores of class 5. As a result, we obtain a core cross-section equal to 1.45 mm² – the actual core cross-section is also less than the declar one by 3.3%, which is acceptable.

Anyone can calculate the cross-section of a single-core and multi-core cable. To do this, you only ne to use the formulas specifi above. Knowing how to measure the cross-section of a multi-core cable, you will be able to choose the right product, and ultimately there will be no problems. Therefore, before carrying out advertising on yandex market manipulations relat to the use of the cable, be sure to make this calculation.

The company “Kabel.RF®” is one of the leaders in the sale of cable products and has warehouses locat in almost all regions of the Russian Feration. After consulting with the company’s specialists, you can purchase the brand of multi-core cable you ne at favorable prices.

Calculation of cable cross-section by diameter

The correct choice of electric cable for powering electrical equipment is the key to long-term and stable operation of the installations. Using an unsuitable wire entails serious negative consequences.

The physics of the process of damage to an electric line due to the use of an unsuitable wire is as follows: due to the lack of space in the cable core for the free movement of electrons, the current italy numbers increases; this leads to excessive energy release and an increase in the temperature of the metal. When the temperature becomes too high, the insulating sheath of the line melts, which can cause a fire.

To avoid trouble, it is necessary to use a cable with cores of the appropriate thickness. One way to determine the cross-sectional area of ​​a cable is to start from the diameter of its cores.

Calculator for calculating cross-section by diameter

For ease of calculation, a calculator for calculating cable cross-section by diameter has been develop. It is bas on formulas that can be us to find the cross-sectional area of ​​single-core and multi-core wires.

The cross-section must be measur by Subtleties of calculating the cross-section the core without insulation, otherwise nothing will work.

Result for this diameter

When it comes to calculating tens and hundrs of values, an online calculator can significantly simplify the lives of electricians and electrical network designers due to convenience and increas calculation spe. It is enough to enter the core diameter value, and if necessary, specify the number of wires if the cable is multi-core, and the service will show the requir wire cross-section.

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