I have been wanting to implement Jira and Confluence in our projects for a long time. We have finally done it and things are going as I expected. I would even say better.
Those who don’t know what SCRUM is can take a look at this post on Wikipedia.
What has gone well
It boils down to the fact that we are able to get work done. In detail I would say the following:
Being more aware that we can only do a small number of tasks so we are/I am learning to focus better on the essentials.
Tracking tasks because everything is documented.
Communication between team members. We talk more without needing to talk more.
Documentation in both whatsapp data Confluence and Jira tasks. Everyone’s work is more transparent to everyone.
Analysis of the focus we have as a team by tagging tasks and knowing what we are mostly working on as a team.
What we still need to improve
There are few things that require a big improvement but there are nuances:
Filling out all the fields in Jira tasks proficient with Composer correctly to improve the level of analysis. Ability to better estimate and plan what we will be able to achieve in two weeks (there is still a large number that we carry over from one sprint to the next).
Related to the previous point
Also the organization of tasks and instead of working day by day, planning weeks, sprints and months in advance.
Description of tasks to understand what they aob directory are about two weeks after creating them.
Backlog cleaning (although all SCRUM teams suffer from this, I fear).
As always, we are doing well but we could be doing better. We are working on it.
It may be limited to one person. The improvement may be limited to a small group or even to one person. The rule is that we should look for measures that help the group. This could be, for example, buying a new coffee machine for the office.
It could be a personal promise. It is also possible that a person might say “I am going to stop smoking during office hours”. I make this up, but as long as it somehow has an impact on “improving the quality of work” for at least one person, it is fine.
There must be a half-yearly review of measures. Every six months we have to meet to review the impact (or lack thereof) to see if they have managed to “improve the quality of work” or not.