– Ivanych, what’s wrong with cayman islands whatsapp data the watch? It has a standard password 123456. You can’t change it, it’s pre-programmed. Besides, when they made the watch, they didn’t hear anything about security. They transfer data to the cloud via an open protocol. I read about it on the Internet. And I saw IMEA in your passport. It’s simple.

– So simple?

— That’s not all. Since all requests usb directory from the web application are unencrypted, I was able to force the device to execute commands that were not originally intended.

– Which ones are these?

– Well, for example, I called a phone number to listen to the microphone.

– Potapych, are you all that smart?

– Of course!

But this is, alas, not josh horne a fairy tale! Avast specialists have discovered serious vulnerabilities in the T8 mini GPS tracker from Shenzhen i365 Tech. Researchers have also found vulnerabilities in other models from this manufacturer: a total of 30 trackers have security issues, including devices for the safety of children, the elderly, pets and property.