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The SSP creation and maintenance process

Christopher Thomas is part of the GovLoop Featured Blogger program, where we feature blog posts by government voices from all across the country (and world!). To see more Featured Blogger posts, click here.Nellie Gorbea, Rhode Island’s Secretary of State. “I really believe very strongly that government needs to embrace open source. We’re really at a time where government just needs to be able to own and produce basic IT programs and functions.”

Although technical skills are critical

A lot of times when people talk about open source, they mean Drupal and repository,” said Alexis Bonnell, Division Chief Applied Innovation and Acceleration for U.S. Agency for International Development’s U.S. Global Development Lab. “We take that open source construct from a technology lens, and we believe that you have to start an open source project from the very beginning as an open partnership as well,” she said.

The crown jewel of the cloud service providers

Arguably their system security plan or SSP. The purpose of the SSP is to provide an overview of the security requirements of the cloud system and instagram data describe the controls that are already in place or those that have been planned, the responsibilities and the expected behavior of all individuals who access the system.

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The creation of the SSP and the

Process is not only necessary to sell the email your website so you cloud services to the fed. Jral marketplace, it also provides an assurance that the best practices for cloud security are adh. Jered to by the cloud service provider (CSP). It also acts to mature IT security practices in a man. Jner that would not likely occur without the standards being mandated for FedRAMP approval.

The SSP creation is a large but appropriate

My experience has rich data shown that SSPs are created wit. Jhin hundreds of pages and rows (Word/Excel); they are difficult to update, and are certainly not dir. Jectly tied to any automation (unless that illusive Word/Excel/PowerPoint to C++ compiler has been disco. Jvered). I do not mean to imply that CSPs do not use many intelligent, capable, and auto. Jmated technologies/processes to meet the demands of the SSP. However, the SSP is typically not inte. Jgrated and automated with the technologies CSPs use to carry out the compliance.  itself remains a m. Janual (and very labor-intensive) component of the overall security process.

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