If its communication does not resonate with people and the service leaves something to be desir during the purchasing process, users will not purchase the products.
the ne to work on creating empathy with the public , demonstrating concern for the interests and desires of customers. The work of this compound is relat to the ability of e-commerce to direct the brand’s efforts to develop impeccable attention link to quality products.
Furthermore, it is essential that the entire
Service process provid by e-commerce is plann, as well as the consumer’s journey , from the acquisition as a lead until loyalty is complete. In this way, the customer will create a close relationship with the brand, developing trust and intimacy, increasing the chances of completing the purchase and becoming a loyal buyer.
One of the main strategies iraq email list appli by companies when using People as part of the marketing mix is bas on the concept of personas .
2. Processes
Everything involves a process these days. From the start of a company to customer loyalty, it is necessary to have different stages of research, definition and implementation. Furthermore, all of these steps help when it comes to directing brands towards what should and should not be done.
It is at this stage that the company
Must choose which systems, software and even inbound marketing tools , for example, will be us, which will be available when implementing campaigns.
In the marketing mix with the 8 Ps, processes can be divid in different ways. Check it out!
They are all those who interview: google and its future through the eyes of larry page deal with situations within the company, such as employee communication, post-purchase logistics, sales accounting, campaign analysis according to investment.
As external processes, we adb directory have the work of acquiring the public, from the lead to its transformation into a loyal consumer, in addition to maintaining frequent customers.