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(Un)successful copywriter – 7 tips to deal with criticism

One is not born  a copywriter , one becomes a copywriter . And to be successful in your field- that requires a significant amount of self-awareness, patience, improvement, personal growth and development. However, this does not always lead to long-term success. As in the vast majority of fields, criticism is the order of the day for copywriters .

One thing that even the best copywriter can’t master is the ability of telepathy. Although the client’s documents may sound quite logical and realistic, in reality they sometimes result in something that  does not quite match the client’s ideas . And who is to blame? Of course, a copywriter, because the client is always right. How to deal with criticism and turn it to your advantage? The following 7 tips will be about that .


Tip #1 – You can’t please everyone

Repeat this every time your work is swept off the table. One client may like your texts and praise your abilities, while another client doesn’t even get to half of the created text and marks it as garbage. What a man, what an opinion. However, if you are not doing copywriting just for fun and the so-called “in your drawer”, then it is necessary to incorporate the comments of an unsatisfi netherlands whatsapp number data ed client and adapt to their requirements. Listen carefully to the point of view of the disgruntled party (think of it as your own – if you stand by a job well done) and rearrange the texts so that the other party accepts them.

Tip #2 – It’s not criticism that can beat you

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A copywriter who is discouraged by initial failures does not have a very promising career ahead of him . Although it may seem at first glance that this is a field in which the most important thing is to have a few creative ideas and a comfortable chair, in reality it is an activity that requires a con use hierarchies to differentiate what is important siderable amount of patience and, above all, strong nerves. Failure is not about letting it beat you, failure is about learning from it. So grit your teeth and hold on! Accept criticism with humility and work on yourself. Y V material data ou must not give up under any circumstances. There are many other creative people grinding their teeth in your place , who can abound not only with a considerable amount of ideas, but also with resistance to stress and criticism.

Board no. 3 – separate constructive criticism from destructive criticism

Did the client not like your text? Did he write you a lot of comments about it? Although you are controlled by the fear of opening an annotated document, overcome it and start reading. If the client’s comments are about stylistic (or worse, grammatical ) adjustments, then something is wrong and you should urgently work on your language skills. The same applies if you did not comply with the specifications (number of words/standard pages, failure to use important phrases, or text not aimed at the target customer).