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Wanting something too much

When you want something, you have to fight for it. You have to give it your all to reach your goal. You can never give up. You have to be constantly moving so you don’t stand still. Pain and complaining are for losers. You have a winner’s mentality.All of these factors are counterproductive if you want something too much . If you have just met a boy or a girl and you keep sending them messages on WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, etc., you can turn a good first impression into that of a lunatic.

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I have probably already conveyed this message to you in this blog in one way or another, and you have probably already read it in a very similar way elsewhere. I still    malaysia telegram data  believe in these words, but it is important to clarify. You can meet all the basic requirements for success: you have the capacity to suffer, you are a hard worker,

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Your startup may already be finished but you keep fighting because you think that giving up would mean failure. One day an investor from Coguan told me: “You are wasting your talent.” I had not yet realized that I was riding a dead horse.

Wanting something too much doesn’t allow you to reflect.  hashing out hashtags: the power & purpose of keywords in social media   It makes you want to force things even though they haven’t matured enough yet. It makes you have the false belief that throwing in the towel means the end of the world when in reality it allows you to start from scratch.

Allow yourself to be weak from time to time. It will make you stronger

When you’re not sure what your path will be, it’s good to  betting data    keep looking . Companies like Twitter, Paypal and many others would never have gotten to where they are today if they had been 100% focused. You may have a good idea, but another one may be better. You have to have the courage to not strictly follow a path in order to have, with a bit of luck, surprising results.

Doing several things doesn’t mean doing a few things well . It has to do with doing one thing after another but arriving at a final result that allows for drawing conclusions. It means being 100% focused on the path I’m pursuing at that moment, even if I keep my head up to see if there’s a bridge or an exit that’s worth the detour.

There’s no need to feel guilty about not being as focused as startup theory requires. Once you’ve got it right, this advice starts to make sense. Once you’ve found that machine where you put in 1 euro and get 2 out, don’t stop putting in coins. Very few start-ups get to this point.

It is therefore common sense that the vast majority of projects should invest more resources in searching rather than forcing themselves to follow a path for too long until they run out of gas. The bad thing is that there is no formula or secret recipe. It is all statistics. To find what works, you have to do as many tests as possible. Getting it right sometimes depends on luck. Not everyone has it.

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