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What are the most important metrics for an online business?

I recently published a post about the fact that most Spanish startups don’t understand SEO and that many SEOs don’t give much importance to metrics. Since I’m “the numbers guy” we’re going to dedicate a post to the topic. What I just wrote in quotes is what they called me today at the office. It made me laugh, maybe because of my German sense of humor

Online Metrics Photo rights by Fotolia

Contents [ hide ]It may be obvious to many but I will risk explaining once again why metrics are so important. It can be basically summed up with 2 scenarios:Things are  russia telegram data   going well for you, but since you don’t collect any other data apart from sales figures, you have no idea where your customers are coming from.

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Things are going well for you, but apart from seeing that you are not getting any money, you do not have any other information that would give you a clue.
In the worst case scenario you might think you don’t really have a problem. That’s true to the point that you do. You won’t have a clue what’s wrong because you’re supposedly    wechat public account development unlocks  doing everything right. That’s on the one hand. On the other hand, even if things continue to go well, you won’t move from where you are in terms of sales. It will be a matter of luck to know which button you have to press to have an impact on sales because you don’t know what it depends on. In both cases you betting data  are in a dead end, even if one has worse consequences than the other.

Metrics and data you should look at closely

Those who are really successful in the online channel know how to read their metrics. As Gemma Muñoz would say , it is not just about analysing who scores the goals, but also understanding the statistics of the defence and knowing who distributes the ball in midfield. There may be traffic sources that are not so relevant at first glance but are essential to get you into the game.

First visit source
There are channels that convert and others that make you known. Social networks are not necessarily the best source to attract clients directly, but they are the first source of contact. Analyze your statistics and identify your source of first visit. Then make sure that traffic from this channel remains stable or even increases.

Source of recurring traffic
The first contact is one thing, but then comes the hard work: loyalty. What are the main channels (if there are several) that generate recurring traffic? That is, how do users who already know you return to your website? There is an activation phase until a sale is made. This channel is primarily responsible for achieving a level of trust that comes before the sale.


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