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what it is and when the 2024 event starts

what it is and when the Discounts, millions of pesos in sales and a bursting internal economic activity. All this is generated by the Buen Fin , the most anticipated season of offers by. Mexican merchants and consumers that is celebrated in November of each year. Its purpose? To stimulate the internal market, support the family economy and offer competitive prices. The Buen Fin 2024 edition will be telemarketing data the 14th and is expected to be like the previous ones, with a 4-day format of continuous offers in all areas.

To learn a little more about the Buen Fin,  what it is. Its importance, advantages, disadvantages and some tips to make the most of it, we have prepared this note for you.

When does Buen Fin 2024 start? 

The fourteenth edition of Buen Fin is scheduled to begin on Friday, November 15 and last for four days. That is, it will end on Monday, November 18 .

What is Buen Fin?

Defined as a general sales scheme, Buen Fin is an event that has been held annually in Mexico since 2011, when it was created by the Mexican government in conjunction with businessmen and private organizations that come together in the Business Coordinating Council.

telemarketing data

In the 2020 edition, a year of severe restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Buen Fin lasted 12 days – from November 9 to 20 – and a large part of sales took place electronically. In 2021, the event lasted six days (from November 10 to 16).

What are the most purchased products during Buen Fin?

According to spokespeople from the Confederation of National Chambers of Commerce, Services and Tourism (Concanaco Servytur), the most in-demand products during the Buen Fin are: clothing, footwear, perfumes, televisions, computers and telephones.

Jewelry, proteins, household appliances and underwear also stand out.

Buen Fin vs Black Friday. What are the differences?

Although it is unique to the United States, Black Friday is a sales event that shakes up many countries and is celebrated on the fourth Friday of November, urls that make all this happen. the same month in which Buen Fin takes place. But what are the main differences?

First, Black Friday offers deals for just brazil data one day, while Buen Fin does so for 4 consecutive days. More opportunities to buy.

As far as prices are concerned, you can usually find the best deals on Black Friday. There are online stores that offer discounts of up to 50%. During the Buen Fin, according to research by the magazine Trimestre Económico , the price of products in general is reduced by 7%.

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