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With the help of this community and oracle

java has become a very stable language over the ages. Unlike newer programming languages ​​like c# or r, java has most of its queries solved on stackoverflow, which helps developers debug their code. We realize that java has many advantages, but nothing in this world is perfect. Java also has its own disadvantages, such as: – slow and poor performance : java consumes more memory than native programming languages ​​like c and c++. Java is also slower than them, this is due to the extra work of the interpreter to convert the code into machine language.

Jvm performs various backend functions

that slow down the program. Since java supports automatic garbage collection, it runs continuously in the backend, which hinders performance. – poor gui : the gui builder in java is considered to be poor and cannot build complex user interfaces. There are many frameworks in java to create guis like swing, javafx, swt, jsf, etc. But these frameworks are not developed enough to build complex guis. Meanwhile, modern languages ​​like python, r, c#, etc. Have better gui builders.

No backup media : java has absolutely no feature

to backup user data. It mainly focuses on storing data, but they are not protected by backup media. – paid commercial license : oracle announced in january 2019 that they will be charging for commercial licenses of java 11 and above. This caused a lot of anxiety for developers as they have to pay based on the number of systems to receive updates. The general purpose of java is still free to use, but to develop and access all the features of java, you have to pay.

Long and complex code : java has

long and complex syntax. Sometimes, it is difficult to remember those complex syntaxes. Many programmers prefer python or c++ over java, because they have business owner database simpler syntax. For example: to get a simple input, a java programmer has to write 2 lines of code: – bufferedreader br=new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(system.In)); – int num = integer.Parseint(br.Readline()); meanwhile, you can write the same thing in c in just 1 line: scanf ( “%d”,&num ); we can see that java code can sometimes be a bit complex for this reason.

But all in all, java is still a great

special data

programming language and worth learning . From laptops to data centers, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, mobile phones to the internet, java is everywhere. Based on recent data, java is used by 2.6% of websites as a server-side programming language. Although it may not what is an ai crm extractor seem like a lot of websites use it. Websites written in java are high-traffic sites, such as linkedin, spotify, netflix, airbnb, salesforce.Com, chase, indeed.Com, pinterest, etc. This proves its popularity and effectiveness.

Smaller companies may choose to start

building their programs in another language, but as their websites grow and require more speed and stability. They often switch to java programming. Twitter is a perfect example. Reference: php programming java programmer job description the roles and responsibilities of a java loan data programmer will vary greatly depending on the company and specific position. Here are four typical roles: – develop, test and maintain application software after release – participate in software development and architecture – conduct software testing, analysis and debugging – propose some changes to improve the established java application process hopefully through this article.

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