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Click on the “Actions” button and select “Run”

WClick on the Actions To start the campaign, you ne to top up your account balance. The minimum top-up amount is 3,300 rubles for 2 days.

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Along with contextual advertising, PromoPult allows you to launch target advertising from a single account. We show how to do this using the example of an online jewelry store. The goal is to launch advertising by February 14 and March 8.

Click on the Actions Setting up a project in the target module

Add a project and select the “Target Advertising” module :

Next we make the following settings:

  • Choosing an advertising lawyer data system – VK Advertising.
  • We choose the format – universal ad .
  • We enter the basic data: the name of the project and a link to the advertis resource.

Click on “Create a project” and start setting up targeting.

Setting up targeting

Setting up targeting allows you to precisely target your ads to the right audience.

We show how to do this in PromoPult:

  • We set geotargeting. We specify the regions and cities there is an understanding that where we will show the ad. In our case, the store is target at Moscow.
  • We set up targeting by demographics. In our case, the ad will be shown to men and women ag 20 to 50.
  • We specify detail targeting. We select interests and behavior typical for the target audience. Potential buyers of the store include people who are interest in jewelry.

We also set up behavioral and social characteristics. Will set up displaying ads to people with average and above average incomes.

At this stage of targeting setup, we manag to cover the singapore phone list optimal audience size. Therefore, we will not limit targeting by other parameters.

  • We specify the date of the campaign. To do this, go to the section “When to show the ad” and in the item. “Date of the campaign” we specify the requir dates. The store plans to launch advertising on covering important holidays.
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