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How to get an author image on Google after the Google Authorship changes

In June, we learn from Google’s John Mueller that, due to the ne to simplify the appearance of search results, the search engine decid to remove the images of the authors of articles that were mark with the so-call Google Authorship. Let’s take a look at how to secure an image in the search result even now , when the authors’ photos are no longer display.

As a reminder, let’s show how Authorship look before the change, with a photo:

At the same time, it is good to look back at why Google decid to take this step and what it means for the future.Google Authorship with a photo of the auth philippines whatsapp number data or has been a way for many websites to make their site more visible in search results and get more visitors. We describ instructions on how to deploy it on your site in one of our blog articles . Thi

s benefit is now gone.


whatsapp data



And what it looks like now, without the photo:


How to secure your image in search results
Despite this restriction, the author’s photo or at least some graphic image that attracts attention can still be display in the search results in several ways.

1. Google Plus
The first way is the results from the social network  reasons to create your facebook tab Google Plus, which still displays images in the search results. This applies primarily to cases where you are logg in under your Google account and use the Google Plus social network. The search engine then tends to insert the posts of  material data those in your circles into the search results. So Google delet the photos on external sites, but kept the photo for its social network.


In addition to the author himself, thanks to Google


This fact, if it is maintain for some time, and I think it will, significantly increases the importance of the social network Google Plus , because it is with it that it is now possible to be visually visible in the search results.

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