Of the large model which are the accurate answers that must be included in it . If not it is a bad case similar to the scoring points in the college . Entrance examination answers absolutely wrong for the output content of the large model which are . The wrong answers that must be excluded if they appear they must be counted as . Bad cases gray area in addition to the above two categories if there are some . Other answers that are not in line with expectations but within the tolerable range they .
Can Be Considered Good Cases There is
Can be considered good cases there is no pitfall in sufficiency because the big language . Model is really too eloquent we are not thailand email list afraid of it being insufficient but we . Are afraid of it being excessive relevance we originally thought that the bad case of . Relevance was the deviation of the question you asked the product manager how to do . Business analysis skill a and it answered you business analysis skill b but in reality . There are more cases in the streaming output of the big model there are or .
Lies Answers That Are Irrelevant to the
Lies answers that are irrelevant to the question mixed in points therefore please determine the . Relevance standard with your content summary after 20 weeks working with scrum in our projects experts in advance is it necessary for each point to .
These Two Indicators Are Very Important Consistency
These two indicators are very important consistency whether the big model can give relatively consistent . Answers when answering bzb directory the same question multiple times whether the same question can be consistent . Is actually quite critical for enterprise applications after all no one wants enterprise employees a . And b to ask the same question and get completely different answers why it is . Theory they should be able to provide similar answers to similar questions however due to .