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Page speed and advanced SEO

We wrote an article about page speed last year . If you are new to SEO  , you will love it. It was part of our SEO for Beginners series, the output of which is the guide 15 first SEO steps for beginners .

Before you read on, here’s a quick recap on why site speed is important :

Simply download it here in the section we publish . After a year, it is the right time to expand knowledge for those who already understand SEO at least a little.Most of you suspect or know that page speed is important not only for visitors but also for search engines. In toda poland whatsapp number data y’s article, we will give you some tips on how to improve it. If that article wasn’t enough for you and you’re interested in the much more technical aspects of site speed, read this article . Almost a must for programmers.


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Users feel better , do not leave the site and convert more to specific actions.
Your website will rank better in terms of SEO – speed is important to search engines.
You will save money on PPC  ads of the AdWords network – speed affects the quality score  of a particular landing page .

The first step on the way to a fast website is to know its current speed . You can use various tools for this. The first thing we recommend is to try a gadget from G start at the beginning: the subject oogle . Therefore, first analyze your website here:


You can compare the result with other analyzers such as:

Most people only test the main page of the site, but this is no material data t an ideal approach. You will get a more relevant result if you test several of the most important subpages of your website . A nice article on this topic, where you can find individual speed testing tools nicely described,   is here .

Page Speed ​​and Analytics

You can also monitor your website speed well in Google Analytics . Most of you are probably already familiar with this option, but if you are among those who are hearing about it for the first time, you can find this information in the image to the left.


Speed ​​tracking is easy. If you use the WordPress editorial system , you will use the relevant plugins for Google Analytics (e.g. Google Analyticator or the well-known Google Analytics plugin from Yoast ).

If you’re not running WordPress , you’ll need to add a few lines to your site’s source code to track page load speed. The code will then look something like this:

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