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Purpose and application of deflectors

A deflector is a structure that is design to improve draft while creating a vacuum in the chimney.

Deflector with apron

There are a number of generally establish forms:

  • Like TsAGI;
  • Round type;
  • Grigorovich device;
  • Open and H-shap.

Volpert-Grigorovich deflector with your own hands

The structure contains several separate parts:

  • Lower type cylinder;
  • Diffuser;
  • Umbrella.

The diffuser has a cylindrical shape, locat in the upper part of the structure, and the umbrella implements safety functions. Products of this kind are made of galvaniz steel, which eliminates the corrosion procure, preventing the pipe from becoming clogg with debris.

DIY chimney deflector drawings and photos

To manufacture a deflector, first of all it is necessary to develop drawings of the future device, which are integral elements of the work.

Variety of chimney cap configurations

To make correct calculations regarding the line data parameter, it is necessary to know the internal diameter of the chimney.

Table for correct calculation of the chimney deflector.

Algorithm for performing manipulations:

  • All elements of the drawing are transferr to paper;
  • The paper elements of the structure are pre-connect as they should be in the final form;
  • All elements are transferr from paper to building material and cut out;
  • To make a diffuser, the metal is roll into a click on the “actions” button and select “run” structure. The ges of the structure are fasten together;
  • The outer cylinder is made in exactly the same way;
  • Strips (3-4 pieces) of about 20 cm long and 6 cm thick are made from metal material. The elements are attach to the cap;
  • The umbrella is attach to the diffuser and built into the outer cylinder.

Helpful advice! In places where the structure bends, the metal italy numbers be bent and tapp to make it thinner.

Cap for rectangular pipe section

Chimney caps for brick pipes and forg caps for chimneys: features and prices

There are many tips and videos on the RuNet on how to make a chimney visor with your own hands. However, not everyone has the desire to make their own design, and many prefer to buy a ready-made device.

You can buy smoke caps for brick chimneys for 700-7000 rubles, depending on the complexity of the structure. To buy a cap of the simplest design, you will have to spend about 400 rubles.

Recommendations from experts

It is not recommend to install a deflector on the chimney of gas equipment. Since the low temperature of gases in winter can lead to the horizontal part of the outlet on the chimney freezing, and the deflector contributes to the strengthening of this kind of tendency.

Experts do not recommend weather vanes, since their rotating elements fail quite quickly. In winter, due to the formation of condensation, they become cover with ice, which leads to loosening of the pipe masonry. Therefore, the best option for chimneys are canopies.


An example of a “smart” deflector with a rotating cap

The type of canopy design to choose depends on the cross-section of the pipe. For example, for a round chimney, the canopy is most often of the same shape, and for a rectangular structure, it can have a large number of types.


High-quality draft formation is a key moment for trouble-free operation of the heating system. Therefore, it is necessary to think about the correct installation of the cap on the chimney. This kind of device will help to ensure the correct functioning of the entire system and eliminate weak draft in the pipe.

>Video: DIY weather vane, cap and chimney cap for a roof chimney

How to make a chimney cap with your own hands?

Boiler or stove heating in a house requires the installation of a chimney, which in most cases leads to the roof. A mandatory part of the chimney pipe is a cap, which is install at the end of the chimney. It is also call an umbrella, a visor, a weather vane or a cover, which can have a different shape, size and design.

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