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What should be taken into account when launching a new project?

been nervous today. It was the launch of a new project and as usual these days the night before was very short. I’m very happy with the preliminary result. Despite having made some mistakes, in summary it went very well.For the past 3 weeks we have been working as a team for this day. I have to admit that I am a big fan of throwing and if you don’t stress yourself out by reaching your physical limits I am almost a bit disappointed. That must be my

Launch Photo rights by Fotolia

marathoner side that likes suffering because I don’t think  philippines telegram data  the rest of the team shares this point of view..
I’m glad I’ve left the start-up phase on a laptop behind me because the benefits of being close to your team are huge. Being able to get to the desk in just a few steps is nothing compared to sending a Skype message. Everything is so much faster. Digital in this respect can never replace face-to-face work.

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In the first two weeks leading up to the launch, it was enough to talk once at the beginning and at the end of the week. In the last few days we had these two meetings almost daily before starting work and before leaving the office. This intensive communication helped enormously to coordinate  how to develop a wechat public account   tasks, offer mutual support and solve problems almost immediately.

Useful tools, management and communication for the launch moment
Since we have moved in with Quondos in the new offices shared  betting data with Dropalia, a wide range of possibilities has opened up. Above all, the fact of sharing resources and equipment generates many synergies for different projects.

Coordinated launch with all communication channels at the same time
In the 3 weeks of launch, the main objective was to attract subscribers to the newsletter. This would allow us to launch with noise to generate an initial impact that could possibly generate a chain effect. We had set 12 noon to launch. Just before, I asked if everything was going according to plan and the answer was “we are ready, whenever you want”.

Tool: Zopim for customer service via chat

I have already mentioned on other occasions that I am addicted to Google Analytics with its real-time statistics. With a maximum of 142 people on the website at the same time reading content, bidding and registering, we did not break previous records, but it was still more than satisfactory. Since many users had already previously registered on the website, they were shown an old version of the website. After some tests, we found that the user had to restart the router because it was a DNS problem. We would not have been able to obtain and return such rapid feedback without having 6 people attending the Zopim chat. It seems incredible how many resources a “small” project needs in its start-up phase. I estimate that we can easily calculate a factor of 5 in terms of resources during the first 2 hours of a launch.

Task management with the help of a visible whiteboard
You can read between the lines that the launch has been carried out in several phases. You can’t have more than 140 people on the website at the time of the launch if you haven’t planned and coordinated everything down to the last detail. Even so, there will always be unforeseen events that in this case have meant little sleep the night before. Our coordination technique has been very simple. We have a giant whiteboard measuring 1.50 x 3 metres that is constantly

The topic of launching is a whole book in itself. I believe that 80% of the success of a project lies in this opening phase. To this end, we have done everything possible to ensure that as many people as possible are aware of it. This obviously also means that there are some who are annoyed. If this is not the case, then you simply have not tried hard enough

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