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Why you need to use Facebook Tabs

Nadia Ilardia
Nadia Ilardia
PR teacher and freelance writer. She enjoys writing stories and articles.

Wrote 51 posts


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Facebook Tab

A Facebook Landing Page ? You read that right! Boost your Social Media strategy with the great power of this tool and increase your leads to unsuspected levels.

A Landing Page is a great tool to focus your prospects’ attention on a single proposition, action or message. In short, it is the conversion medium par excellence.

Landing Pages and Social Media go hand in hand. In fact, Facebook pages can incredibly strengthen your Social Campaigns. What are they and how do they work? We explain below.

A Facebook Tab is a page

that appears to your Fan Page visitors as a box, which can be moved, edited, and even deleted completely. Users can access it even if they are not your fans .

And what is its function? To get the attention of visitors! When they enter your  usa data Fan Page, they can get lost with so much information and scattered content. This Tab will allow you to focus their attention on a single place , message or action and thus achieve very specific objectives: get new fans, capture leads in the form of data obtained through a Form and if everything goes well, get new cl this small measure could take us a long way ients in the social environment.

Let’s see this with an example. You click on a Facebook Tab that takes you to a Landing Page . There, they offer you to download an eBook for free in exchange for completing a short Form with your details. Done! You have caught their attention, you have guided them to your page and you have achieved what seemed difficult: obtaining their details . And all of this, within the same environment, the social network. Good job.



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